Excel development

Online development

MrVanderBrink, the Microsoft Excel enthusiastic. My passions are inventing and creating.
My own creativity, converting a request for someone else, or a copy paste with improvements and addons.
I like to build applications that have a practical use to make life more efficient and convenient.
Both professional and in spare time I build sheets, apps, convertors, generators, systems and creations for fun and excitement. The possibilities to look at values and data, combined with formulas and functions are endless.

'I really love it when spreadsheet comes together'

MrVanderBrink is a Automation addict. I would like to share my inventinons and creations online.
A whole new world to explore in adding, presenting, alter and interact with data.
Learning to script by following online courses and building my own online platform. This website is first blood.
Applications will follow in the online library. The soccer pool is a personal goal. What would you need?

'WWW, here I come!'

Free consultancy! Is there something I can help you with? I am open for questions, requests, offers and suggestions. So contact me in any way Or check out the Library.

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